We have the solution to all off your educational problems
Quality Tutors
We focus on improving the quality of education and working closely in line with the New National Curriculum. 👉
Quality Teaching
with small groups, we can really spend quality time and monitor progress effectively. 👉
Small Groups
👉 We group all our classes in terms of ability to make sure that each child gets the most our of each lesson.
Our lessons follow the National Curriculum, ensuring our students cover the same topics as they would do in school. As Unique Tuition Centre is run by qualified teachers, you can be rest assured that we have the experience and subject knowledge to support your child to excel and fulfil their potential.
We cover both Primary and Secondary for Maths, English and Science. Lessons cover key curriculum topics and are designed to help build skills such as reasoning, comprehension and problem solving. We reinforce understanding, challenge students by extending their learning, and applying the skills they learn. This approach has proven to boost children's confidence and give them a headstart at school.
Years 3-11
KS2, KS3 and GCSE
National Curriculum aligned
Years 3-11
KS2, KS3 and GCSE
Foundation and Higher
Years 7-11
KS3 and GCSE
All exam boards covered
SATs | 11 + | KS3 | GCSE
11+ Grammer School
Entrance Exam Preparation
A-Level Lessons